The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
We decided to sign up for the Up-Skill-A-Thon after viewing what courses would be beneficial in our profession. We work with Microsoft 365 daily and we were amazed after learning what we could do with it after taking the courses. The extra plus was that all these courses were at no expense to us.
I am currently unemployed. I decided to sign up for the UpSkill-A-Thon in order to help push me to learn some new things along with going over some skills that needed to be brushed up. I expect that my new skills will help me in my way through life in work and out of work. Improving my skills through practice to hopefully improve my standing in the field of coding.
Prior to enrolling in School or the Community Skills online training I found myself struggling to find a job like many families we too were affected by the pandemic and the cost of living. Being a stay at home mom for so long and outdated work history and work experiences presented some challenges on my resume and even more trying to figure out how to write that on an online application.
I have always said that when my daughter graduated from high school that I would go back to school. This was a way to get me started. Hopefully soon, I can enroll in a few classes. I believe the computer skills that I learned will benefit me the most. The computer skills I had were very outdated, and I’m excited to use the new information that I learned.
The course I found very useful to my personal situation was the course titled "Finding a Job". I have not been employed in a few years, so sometimes it can feel very intimidating to try to get back into working with a gap in my resume. This course broke it down into easier steps for me on how to go about finding a job again without feeling overwhelmed and not even knowing where to start.
I am currently a student at a school in Murrieta. My mom thought it would be cool if me, my brother, and my step-father pitch in and work on the competition together so that we can not only win a cool prize, but to acknowledge life skills and career skills that are needed in modern-day workplaces during this high-demanding, technological generation!
I feel these new skills have helped me in many ways by simply adding more certificates to my LinkedIn account so employers could notice. These new skills have also improved my resume in many ways. I would like to share that this journey has changed my mind about remote education. It opened so many doors to education advances. I'm excited about the future.
I learned about the UpSkill-A-Thon from my career development coach, Thomasinia Marshall. Thomasinia believed the UpSkill-A-Thon would be an opportunity to develop my workplace skills and demonstrate my willingness to continue learning.
As a solo parent, I have a lot to juggle, and learning on LinkedIn's Learning's platform across platforms was such a time saver. I decided to sign up for the UpSkill-A-Thon so that I could refresh my employability skills, learn something new and reenter the workforce with confidence.
I worked on an ambulance doing 911 and critical care transportations for ~8 years. A few months ago I was positioned in a new role and felt I could really benefit from some process improvements but didn't exactly know how to translate what I was thinking into something clean and easy on the computer. Courses like Entrepreneurship, professional soft skills and project management gave me new tools to improve being a leader and even a father, husband and coach.
I currently study at Southern Union State Community College where I am about to graduate with an Associates of Science in General Studies. I signed up for UpSkill-A-Thon because I wanted to add to my skill set and increase my digital literacy. UpSkill-A-Thon offered what I was looking for and more.
I'm studying Pre-Med at Salish Kootenai College and working at private sleep diagnostics clinic hospital in Missoula. I enjoyed the Finding a Job during Challenging Economic Times. I changed my resume because of it and it has helped. I got responses on LinkedIn which was awesome..
I signed up after my school's College and Career Ready Director emailed my class about the opportunity. Participating in the competition meant that I would be able to earn certificates that would help prove my career readiness, something incredibly valuable to a high schooler such as myself.
I work at the Boys and Girls Club of East Central Alabama and study at community college. Working with computers and devices was my most valuable course. I know more about computers than I thought I would ever know by taking this course.
After completing the "Foundation Skills" courses, my confidence spiked, and my inner critic was silenced. I am incredibly thankful the challenge was online! I could set my schedule and learn from the comfort of my home.
I've been a stay at home mom. Since I've been out of the work force for several years, I thought it'd be wise to amp up my technology and skills. There was so much valuable information in these pathways that I can immediately put to use.
I am employed as a library assistant for the Tangipahoa Parish Library. Administrative Professional was the area that I chose to study because it is closely related to the job I have. Many of the skills I learned have helped me to be a better employee.
I am a senior in high school and live in the small town called Tonasket, WA. More specifically, I have been living up in the mountains near the town for about 6 years now. I feel like these new skills that I have developed will greatly help me when I move out and start being in a workplace environment.
I am a Bangladeshi foreign student. I want to mention that my journey as a woman from a third-world nation and a first-generation student was not easy. Despite the difficulties and challenges, I have come a long way and still have a long way to go. Thank you Flagship Kansas for organizing this competition. It was a very effective way to encourage people to learn new skills and connect with each other.
I am a Junior at Woodland High School and I currently work as a cashier at Walmart. I believe my new skills will help me with my schooling and my future career as a whole.