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Fundamentos profesionales del análisis de datos, por Microsoft y LinkedIn

5 elementos de contenido didáctico
11h 28min de contenido

Pathway Summary

Descubre las habilidades necesarias para una carrera en el análisis de datos. Aprende los conceptos básicos utilizados en análisis de datos y practic el uso de herramientas de software para análisis y visualización de datos.

Obtener una base sólida en los conceptos de análisis de datos.
Explorar las herramientas de software de análisis de datos.
Desarrollar habilidades de visualización de datos.
A man is sitting on the couch with a big dog and a laptop on his lap. They are both looking at the screen.

Browse All Pathway Courses

Here’s a list of all the courses that are part of this learning pathway. Not interested in completing the entire pathway? You can click on the links to get started on individual courses.
September 1 - 30, 2024

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Join the free AI Skill-A-Thon challenge - compete to win $20,000 in prizes! Learn how to apply AI skills to boost your productivity. See each competition page for more details.
Note: Only courses started and completed between September 1 - 30, 2024 count towards the AI Skill-A-Thon.

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